Korean Sword Sparring - Workshop Part 2
Korean Sword Sparring - Workshop Part 2
Jung Guhm & Yuhk Guhm Dae Ryuhn by Master Philip D Holmes, 9th Degree Chief Master HGMS®
Service Description
This second Workshop will briefly recap on techniques learnt in Part 1, and will then continue to teach the practical Jung Guhm Sparring Sets, as well as learning the Yuhk Guhm Drills and Sparring Sets and will include the following aspects • Han Guk Sword - Brief Recap of Jung Guhm Foundation Drills & Sparring Sets 1 & 2 • Han Guk Sword - Jung Guhm Sparring Sets 3 & 4 • Han Guk Sword - Yuhk Guhm Meditation • Han Guk Sword - Yuhk Guhm Foundation Drills & Sparring Sets 1 & 2 WORKSHOP EVENT DETAILS - There will be a maximum of 30 participants per workshop. - A participant must have attended Part 1, to gain access to Part 2. - A participant must be a brown belt level student or above to gain access. - A participant must be 12 years old or over. - Participants must bring their own sword, and only wooden swords are allowed. - Martial Art uniforms should be worn. - A Han Guk Mu Sool Certificate of Workshop Attendance will be given upon completion. - Hosting School is responsible for travel and accommodation costs for the Workshop provider.
Contact Details
London, UK